Tom in the Media

Tom has appeared in many reputable publications over the years. He enjoys speaking and discussing the importance of cyber security today. Check out some of his appearances in the media below. Contact Tom today if you’d like to book him for a speaking engagement.


How Firewalls Can Protect You From Security Risks

How Firewalls Can Protect You From Security Risks

Personal firewalls can help defend your home network from hackers. Researchers found security problems with over 100 million internet-connected devices. Cybercrime aimed at individuals is a growing problem as more people work from home. Read the...

Tech with Tom Kirkham: Apple Unveils the iPad

Tech with Tom Kirkham: Apple Unveils the iPad

Tech with Tom Kirkham is intended to provide practical information about a wide range of electronic products, software and communication issues. Tom has promised to use layman terms, where possible, and to avoid geeky acronyms unless using said...

Ways to Protect Your Data From Online Snoopers and ISPs

Ways to Protect Your Data From Online Snoopers and ISPs

Karla supervises our pool of tech writers and is responsible for monitoring current tech trends. She also trains our writers to share knowledge of public interest and encourages them to offer opinions to our readers. View the full article here.

6 Cybersecurity Tips for Schools

6 Cybersecurity Tips for Schools

Cybercriminals are getting savvy with their phishing emails and hiding malicious downloads. Every school is vulnerable to attacks from every individual email account on your network. We asked cybersecurity experts for best practices and warning...

Are Open Wifi Networks Safe?

Are Open Wifi Networks Safe?

Public Wi-Fi is extremely convenient, safer than it used to be, and, of course, free. But are the risks of logging on worth it? Tom weighs in. Read the full article here.

Difference Between IT and Cybersecurity – Cyber Pro Podcast

Difference Between IT and Cybersecurity – Cyber Pro Podcast

Tom discusses the upcoming cyber pandemic. He shares his knowledge and experience amassed over 40 years in technology. Tom shares his love of heist films, and how being able to get into the mind of a criminal like that can help people have success...

Cyber Security for Law Firms with Tom Kirkham

Cyber Security for Law Firms with Tom Kirkham

In today’s episode, Jim and Tyson chat with the CEO of Iron Tech Security, Tom Kirkham! They dive into the journey of cyber security defense systems and educate and encourage organizations to establish a security-first environment with cyber...

The Optimized Law Firm

The Optimized Law Firm

This week we’re talking with Tom Kirkham of Irontech Security. Irontech has been a leader in the cybersecurity space for over 20 years, and Tom has a lot of experience with the cybersecurity issues that law firms, in particular, are facing in...