#1 Best Seller on Amazon
Hack the Rich
Cyber criminals come in all shapes and sizes. They may even already be in your network. Hacking is the type of event that happens every minute of every hour of every day and has the potential to destroy reputations, fortunes, families, and just about everything else that matters to you. It can destroy all the hard work of a lifetime with the click of a button.
Hack the Rich by Tom Kirkham provides you with the ten classic mistakes made by high-profile, high-net-worth individuals that give hackers total control over privacy, confidentiality, and cash. Only you can decide whether it’s a priority for you and learn how to start protecting yourself now.
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Hack the Rich hit #1 Best Seller on Amazon!

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Hack the Rich
There is a strong and intensifying trend of cyber criminals targeting high-net-worth individuals. Buying into the myth that it can’t happen to you, or thinking that it is unlikely to happen to you, leaves you unprepared and gives you fewer viable options for response when you are attacked. Assuming that experiencing an attack is like being struck by lightning is simply not true. Most high-net-worth individuals fail to grasp the potentially catastrophic impact of a cyber attack on their own lives, on their families’ lives, and on the operations of their businesses or organizations.
Robust cyber security measures are just as important, and arguably more important, in your personal life than for your business or organization. The optimal response to a vulnerability is to prevent an attack from happening in the first place. Are you as prepared as you can be?
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