#1 Best Seller on Amazon!
As COVID-19 has shown us, humans can spread viruses worldwide to billions of people in just a few weeks. Computers can spread viruses globally within minutes.
In The Global Pandemic Survival Guide, Tom explains how weak our governments, businesses, and all of us are woefully underprepared for a large-scale, worldwide cyber attack. Learn what you can do to protect yourself, family, business, community, and others from cyber attack catastrophe, which many experts believe is imminent.
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Protecting Yourself From The Coming WorLdwide Cyber War
Computer viruses can spread around the world in seconds, practically at the speed of light. The difference is that for most malware, we already have the defenses. Good leaders are taking lessons learned from COVID-19 and it’s variants and are applying defensive “immunization” technical controls, engaging and retaining skilled security teams, educating their company on cybersecurity, and baking security into their culture – not as an annoyance, but as Job #1.
There was a time when cybersecurity was relegated to IT, whether your firm outsources IT, or your own staff, or CIO. The time has come for that to change. InfoSec is now the most important thing any firm can prioritize to protect the organization. Visionary leaders are relegating IT to security officers and partners.
Buy the Survival Guide Today!