A Thought Leader
About Tom Kirkham

Imagine discovering that your customer information has been stolen and actually is being held for ransom. Or, that your control system has been hacked and your entire water supply operation could be compromised. In 2017, the National Security Agency, our nation’s most elite cryptographic experts and hackers, were themselves compromised. Now, their own hacking tools are available to other nation-states and criminal syndicates to use to attack the smallest of businesses.
Tom Kirkham, founder and CEO Kirkham IronTech provides cybersecurity defense systems and focuses on educating and encouraging organizations to establish a security-first environment with cybersecurity training programs for all workers to prevent successful attacks.
Kirkham brings more than three decades of software design, network administration, computer security, and cybersecurity knowledge to organizations around the country. Kirkham and his team believe that when you understand more about the threats to your organization, the better you can protect yourself and your customers from everything ranging from ransomware to information theft to tainted systems.
Kirkham is an expert on the attack vectors and methods that are constantly changing. He teaches organizations how to recognize the latest cons and scams by using real-world simulations to educate users and track progress.
During his career, Kirkham has received multiple software design awards and founded other acclaimed technology businesses. Kirkham once had a software company that sold retail management software to the NSA, Sprint, AT&T and various premier golf clubs like Firestone and Pebble Beach.
Kirkham was a thought leader in retail as well as cybersecurity, and managed development teams in New York and Ukraine.